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Friday, March 2, 2012

Unusual Presentation Your Business Card

Unusual Presentation Your Business Card
Here is special useful tutorial how to create unusual presentation for your business card. I hope it will be very interesting for you.

We need to start by making a new document with 500x500px and fill it with color of #0b1a30.
Unusual Presentation Your Business Card 01
After that it will be very good to add some appropriate texture to our background where we will put our business card in future. You can find it using Google search or use mine texture. Open it and use Edit > Define Pattern to save this picture as pattern, after that go back to our main document, create a new layer and use Paint Bucket Tool (please use Pattern mode instead of Foreground).
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Fill this layer with texture as shown on my picture below:
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Ok, I think it will be better to make this texture black and white. For this effect use Ctrl+Shift+U to descolour current layer, after that mess with the layer mode & opacity/fill. I tried Overlay with a fill of 50%.
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Ok, looks better now, but not so good as I want. To make this look better use Sharpen Tool (Brush: 1000px, Mode: Normal, Strength: 50%) and make it a little bit sharper.
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Now, merge two of these layers in one using Ctrl+E. After that I think we should start with creating business card. It is good idea to create business card for design studio with some interesting name, for example “Vigilance Dragon.” Ok, let’s start to do it! Create a new layer, after that select the Rectangular Marquee Tool, make the selection as on picture below in the middle of the canvas and fill selected area with color of #e2edf2:
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After that remove the selection with Ctrl+D, then create a new lawyer, select the Rectangular Marquee Tool and make a new one selection, after that fill it with blue color (#8ca6b2).
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Ok, go to the next step. It is time to bring the logo to the business card. To find it use Google Images. I found some interesting picture and decided to apply it for this tutorial. Bring it to our canvas.
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After that reduce it a little bit using Ctrl+T and move down. Now your picture should look as mine.
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Ok, as for me it will be better view for our business card to bring our logo more stylized view. Now select blue rectangle (Ctrl + left click the Layer Thumbnail in the Layers Palette) and press Ctrl+Shift+J to cut selected area to the new layer. Then apply Color Overlay layer style to this layer:
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Now, go to the layer under and apply this apply Color Overlay layer style to it:
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Good look for now, but not finished yet. So, I would like to bring some text information to the business card. It is possible to do with Horizontal Type Tool. Select this tool and write out some text like on picture below.
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In the above image I’ve used Trajan Pro as my font of choice, and I’ve used color of #bd0938.
Actually, it is commercial, but if you don’t have it, you can easily find a good alternative. After that I would like to add a little bit more text using Arial Black font which is standard:
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Ok, add a couple of text lines with contact information more to our business card. Use Arial font for now.
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Now time to add a little line to divide text information. Select the Line Tool and draw a line in 1 px using color of #e2edf2 as my color choice.
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We a done with business card, but not done with this tutorial. It is interesting part of tutorial becomes. So, let’s go! Merge all layers of business card in one (without background layers) and use Edit > Free Transform to rotate our card as on my picture:
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Good, the next step what we need to do is cut away corners of the card to create the impression that the card is inserted into the background. Select the Polygonal Lasso Tool сand make the selection as on my picture below.
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After that use Ctrl+Shift+I to invert selection and press Delete to clear selected area.
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Ok, use Ctrl+Shift+I to invert selection again, create a new layer, then select the Brush Tool and a soft round brush about 17 px with opacity about 40% to draw this brush on the corners of selected area. Use color of #809da8.
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Remove selection with Ctrl+D. ok, now time to use the Dodge Tool (Brush: 80 px, Range: Highlights, Exposure: 10%) and make a little dodge work as shown below:
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After that apply Outer Glow layer style to the current lawyer:
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Looks better now, don’t you think? Go to the next step and read it attentively. Time to bring our picture dimensional view. To make this effect select the Dodge Tool (Brush: 20 px, Range: Highlights, Exposure: 50%) and make a little dodge work with some part of the background where card is inserted into it.
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To finish off the tutorial I think we will add the shadow to the left upper corner. Select the Polygonal Lasso tool to make the selection as on picture below, then create a new layer and fill it with black color.
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Deselect chosen area with Ctrl+D.
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Make the same things with other corners of the card.
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So, that is it for now! Hope, it was useful for you, have a good time!
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